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Building Online Communities 

These resources are designed to support schools and kura to establish or maintain online learning communities to connnect ākonga to their peers, kaiako, extra-curricular and citizen opportunities as well as to support teaching and learning by enhancing the school experience and prepare ākonga for an increasingly digital world. 

The report provides research and findings to support the establishment of online communities before providing advice and recommendations for schools and kura about how online communities can be established and maintained. The quick guide focuses more on the applications and key recommendations for schools and kura to establish and improve online communities.  

Building Online Communities: Review of literature and key tips for schools and kura 

This report is designed to guide schools and kura in building and maintaining online communities to enable greater educational and social opportunities for ākonga. It summarises key research and findings before providing recommendations for schools/kura and kaiako looking to establish or strengthen online communities and addressing potential risks and how they can be mitigated. 

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Building Online Communities: Quick guide for schools and kura

The quick guide is designed to accompany the more thorough review of online communities and focuses on the application and key recommendations for schools and kura to establish and maintain online communities. It provides information about their applications as well as advice about how online communities can be established, considerations to ensure they are utilised effectively, and risk mitigation. 

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