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October 2024 Newsletter

Kia ora, 

Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei 

Pursue excellence - should the you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain

Here at GCSN we hope the start of Term 4 is going well and you have an exciting term ahead! 

Our podcasting competition is wrapping up this week and we also want to remind you of our amazing resources available on the GCSN website ahead of the launch of our brand new resource all about utilising generative AI as a learning tool.

We have lots of exciting opportunities planned for the remainder of 2024 as well as looking ahead to what the 2025 school year has to offer. Keep an eye out for: 

  • Harnessing the Power of AI for Future-Focused Learning - A GCSN resource designed to support kaiako and kura/schools to effectively integrate AI across teaching and learning. 

  • The announcement of learning opportunities and PLD available for ākonga and kaiako in 2025! 

  • A refresh of our resources to ensure they remain up to date.  

Keep your eyes peeled and stay in the loop about what is happening at GCSN on TwitterFacebook or via the GCSN website

Noho ora mai rā, 

The GCSN Team 

GCSN Resources

Our website has a wide range of free and publicly accessible digital fluency, safety and wellbeing resources. A few of our favourites are highlighted below. We will continue to add to our collection and hope they are of use to you, your school, ākonga and whānau.

Hidden Behind the Screen: A comprehensive guide to cyberbullying for schools and kura provides kaiako, school leaders and support staff with information about cyberbullying, how it can be addressed, and strategies to empower ākonga online and minimise instances of cyberbullying.

The Podcasting Playbook will provide you with everything you need to know to create your first podcast, master new skills, or explore a new podcasting style!

Get started and work your way through the modules. Each module also a has corresponding podcast episode.

The report provides research and findings to help you create online communities before providing recommendations for schools and kura about how they can be established. 

The quick guide focuses on the applications and key recommendations for schools and kura.

The Digital Wellbeing modules teach staff and whānau about some of the psychological risks and assets which contribute to wellbeing outcomes, as well as provide some advice and solutions that schools and whānau can action.

Top of the Pods

Entries close this Friday 18 October!

This week is your last chance to enter the 2024 competition!

We will be announcing our winners at the showcase and prizegiving event next Wednesday 23 October. Podcasts entered in either The Future is a Wonderful Place or Open categories will win amazing prizes, including:

  • First place: Up to $500 of podcasting equipment for your school, kindly sponsored by Rockshop NZ! 

  • Second place: A T-shirt making masterclass from the Libraries Design & Delivery team

  • Third place: Rockshop and RODE sponsored prizes, pool passes and more!



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